February Satellite Review

I’m pleased to report that I’ve really been enjoying the new satellite antenna system and its been working flawlessly, I’ve still been hanging out on the FM Birds (AO-27,SO-50,AO-51) but enjoying it the beams and automated tracking makes life a lot...

Weather Data Collection now Energy Efficient

Just before Christmas I decided I needed to make my weather data collection system more energy efficient, since we first got started in weather satellites and taking garden readings via a wireless weather station we had used a variety of computer systems starting from...

Satellite Tracking Interface Added to the station

Yesterday the Fox Delta ST2 arrived and was soon setup after a quick walk down to Maplin for a length of cable, which now means that the PC is fully in-charge of where the antennas are pointing, to do this I’m using the Ham Radio deluxe suite for frequency...

First Week on Sats

So I completed my first week of satellite communications with the new set of antennas and all I can say is WoW! there’s definitly something a bit incredible about working a floating repeater which sometimes isn’t much bigger then the rotator controller box...

Compact VHF/UHF Setup

Last week I finally took the plunge and started ordering the bits to make a compact VHF/UHF setup, with the idea of it being useful for both normal QSOs and satellite working but not look like an eye sore in the garden as I’m sure the neighbours wouldn’t...