Feb 5, 2015
Last week during the regular confabs’ with Iain (M0PCB) we was discussing how best to utilise the RF Space SDR-IQ receivers we both have so that we can make a poor man’s CW Skimmer Server. We had already both seen comments about W3OAs applications but neither of us...
Oct 10, 2012
Over the weekend I had some time to try and see if I could get the cheap DVB-T usb dongle to work as a remote SDR using the Raspberry Pi as the server, using the tools from RTL-SDR it really isn’t that hard. On the Raspberry Pi I was using the latest version of...
Oct 20, 2006
I’ve been getting interested in software defined radios a lot the last couple of months and I’ve spent lots of time reading up on the subject and its really starting to make me tick! Sadly being a student and living off loans etc I really cant justify spending nearly...