I’m not into the whole new years resolutions mostly because I break them about 3 weeks in and never go back to trying to achieve them, so this year I’m going to set some basic plans which are hopefully do able.

  • Contest more
    This year I’m going to aim to get on and do more contests even the small ones, this means I need to focus on not having any last minute work that needs completing over the weekend.

    – HamTests Jimmys are heading for Guernsey for the IOTA Contest keep an eye on http://www.hamtests.net for details.

  • 6/2m Activity
    I’d like to get something a little better antenna wise for 6m & 2m, it can’t be too big and it needs to be portable so I can put them up as & when I’d like to-do some operating, I’m hoping this will increase my QSO totals for those bands.

    I did a couple of years ago have some good success on 2m SSB(1) so need to start looking for a couple of suitable antennas, probably 3 elements on 6m & 5-8 elements on 2m not sure if I’ll get a X or standard one.

    Not only do I want to get SSB going I want to finally crack satellite working.

  • Advanced Exam
    My plan to take the advance exam went a bit pear shape, revision activity as low and health was poor so this year I need to try and pass it else the guys on HamTests Chat will take the piss even more 🙁

    Anyone know of somewhere offering the exam travelling distance from Oxford by Train/Bus?

  • Maintaining the HamTests Network
    Keeping the HamTests network running is some task, we’ve currently running around 9 websites at the moment and they all need time spent on them keeping them updated.

    There is also plans for some further features on a couple of those which I’ll keep everyone posted about.