I’ve been in Elgin now for 4 days, and have been enjoying the restful time away from home and away from work (although I’ve still done the odd hour here and there) it is nice to give my body time to do nothing and relax a bit.
With the weather not being too great for travelling about, I’ve not really been out too much on Thursday I had a quick trip to Lossiemouth & Hopeman with my uncle to see all the snow which was impressive! its a good metre in places where nothing has touched it.
Then during the afternoon had a walk into Elgin and took some photos of the snow, made everything look rather pretty, Friday I had a bit of a lazy day didn’t go out apart from going shopping with gran for an hour in the afternoon.
Today was similar, only going out for an hour after l lunch to get Dad a bottle of whisky (Benromach) that he’d requested and I got mum a book on “WWII in Moray” which I hope she’ll enjoy reading.
Radio wise I’ve been having very little success not managing any QSOs and bands are very noisy.. I did however get some QSOS this afternoon on 30m working a French and German station on PSK31, I plan on trying again during Sunday and probably sticking to 30m again what I have learnt is that I need a better radial system for the MP1 Chapstick!
I’ll try doing another little update during next week! in the mean time you can follow me on Twitter or keep an eye on Flickr
Flickr photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/m3php/sets/72157625390739915/with/5226916649/
very good! its been snowing here a lot to great website by the way looking forward to returning! 73 de matt m6ceb