RSGB April 144MHz UKAC Contest

The April 144MHz UKAC landed on the same evening as radio club, which I’d prior committed to, so was only able to catch the last 30mins, even so managed 8 QSOs best DX being M1MHZ in IO92WV. Equipment: IC-910HX, 5el 2m yagi at 15ft ASL (no preamp) and Win-Test...

RSGB AFS CW & SSB Contests

During the last two weekends it’s been the RSGB Affiliated Societies Contests 2012, 80m CW and SSB at first I wasn’t really setting out to take part, just considered giving away some points to those giving it a serious bash, but even so was easy to make a good amount...

Joined the ARRL

During the RSGB Convention, I decided to join the ARRL not because they had a slick stand at the convention (because they did), but because it will be interesting to read the different articles and hopefully learn some new stuff.

SSB Field Day with the Oxford & D.A.R.S

I know this is a little bit late considering SSB Field day was nearly 2 weeks ago, but it’s been a busy few weeks so blogging had to take a back seat! This year I took part in SSB Field day with the Oxford & DARS, like normal from the site at Horspath which is on...


Last night, I decided to have a play in the RSGB 70cms UKAC that was after a reminder earlier in the day from Gavin (M1BXF) . Conditions didn’t seem too bad within minutes of the start of the contest I heard F8BRK although was unable to work him no doubt a bigger beam...